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Isabelle Reyre
Isabelle Reyre

26 July 2022

How are the new generations pushing managers to reinvent themselves?

Comment bien coopérer en 2022 ? Passons en revue les attributs de ces jeunes générations avant de voir quel management mettre en place pour optimiser les échanges.


In today's world where all traditional benchmarks have exploded (family, religion, politics, etc.) young people at work are looking for meaning and want to contribute to the future of organizations when they share their values. The Y and Z learned to express themselves on social networks from an early age. Their free expression in the virtual world led them to naturally develop their drive and their leadership. Born in a fallow digital universe of the "far west" type, they are also used to investing in new lands and operating in unmarked areas, which induces a very distanced relationship to control and a taste for advanced exploration.


In addition, these young people also expect regular feedback (this is normal if the management is not directive) and want their boss to be a coach first. Aware of the finiteness of existence, they think positive and aspire to be able to access rapid development of their skills…before moving on to another subject! Ambassadors of transformation, digital natives view the world through the tools they shape. For them, the right to make mistakes is the necessary counterpart of an iterative approach, or “test and learn”.


This increased autonomy allows young people to learn more quickly and therefore to evolve faster than their elders. The movement is accelerating.

My salary My goal
My satisfaction My development
My boss My trainer
My annual review ➡ Ma conversation courante
My weaknesses My powers
My job My life

Managers and companies must adapt in order to continue to attract the talents necessary for the invention of the company to come.


Everyone being more knowledgeable, being able to easily access a large knowledge base, being more agile with new technologies, we expect management to become more participative and the leader manager to show the way and let his teams take the lead. 'initiative.

In summary, the new expectations vis-à-vis managers can be grouped into 8 roles and responsibilities or, in a less traditional way, could be defined as the missions of a leader who is both caretaker and gardener. They have been grouped into several categories*:

  • Leader Leader : Both responsible for defining the vision, for the appropriation of this vision by all and also responsible for living together,
  • Guardian the permanence and development of knowledge, collective performance and individual commitment,
  • Gardener by being a catalyst for innovation and developing talent.

The augmented manager of the 21st century must develop new resources by being both wise, humble and in supporting the personal development of his teams. He must know how to create contexts conducive to innovation, capitalize on the trust he has in the people he accompanies by sharing his vision and his reading of the company's culture.

To work in this direction, it has in particular traditional tools which are often based on face-to-face tools (professional seminars, conventions, internal meetings, team or individual coaching actions, brainstorming sessions).

At the same time, digital tools dynamically complement more traditional uses of management, allowing more interactivity, responsiveness and sharing.




*article inspired by “E-Management: How the digital revolution is transforming management”, a work written by Isabelle Reyre and Marc Lippa, Edition Dunod 2015, in partnership with the A ssociation N ationale des DRH (ANDRH)

Isabelle Reyre<br><p id="mr-formation">Founder of Arctus, Partner</p>
Isabelle Reyre

Founder of Arctus, Partner

Founder and director of Arctus, Isabelle is also an author, speaker and instigator, since 2007, of the biannual observatories at the Hybrid Work and Digital Management Observatory, the Intranet & Digital Working Observatory and the Creativity Observatory. She is a director and an active member of the AFCI, the French Association of Internal Communication Professionals.


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